Анастасия Сергеевна Кравцова

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Словарно-аналитический блок системы "СтилеАнализатор"

Поддубный Василий Васильевич, Шевелев Олег Геннадьевич, Кравфова Анастасия Сергеевна, Фатыхов Айдар Анасович
The thesis outlines a desktop text analysis tool developed by two universities. It specifies methods implemented, possibilities of the current version of the tool, and briefly describes its shortcomings. Finally, main features of a new web-generation of the tool that is being developed are...

Дискриминантный анализ стилей текстовых произведений

В.В.Поддубный, А.С. Кравцова
The using of discriminant statistical analysis to decision of the problem of the comparison of the styles of the text products on the base of features frequencies is considered. It is offered the procedure of normalization of frequencies by way of the transition from relative frequencies to its...

Statistical reduction of feature space of text styles

V. V. Poddubny , A. S. Kravtsova
This paper discusses statistical methods of principal component analysis and discriminant analysis which allow one to reduce a fea- ture space, and considers their application to the text style compar- ison. The observed frequencies of text style features are transformed to their ranks and then...
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